Only For Special People in Your Life: 25 Common Italian Terms of Endearment

Only For Special People in Your Life: 25 Common Italian Terms of Endearment

Italian is a very passionate language.

Besides body language they often use to express themselves, for Italians it is also typical to use terms of endearment.

It isn't such a surprise given the fact that they are a warm, open-hearted nation that gladly shows their affection for someone.

Knowing Italian terms of endearment is important for every Italian learner. Therefore, keep reading to find out the 25 most common Italian terms of endearment.

And now, let's dive in

The 25 Most Common Terms of Endearment

Common Italian Terms for Friends

Our friends are people we love and spending time together with them makes us happy and fulfilled. Somehow, they are more than our families, they are persons we’ve chosen to be connected with.

That’s why it is normal to show our feelings to them. 

Some of the commonly used Italian terms of endearment you can use are as follows:

  • Compa, short for companero- buddy
  • Compare- homie

This phrase today isn't used often and it is considered old-fashioned.

  • Fratello- brother
  • Sorella- sister
  • Bello/a- beautiful

This phrase is a typical nickname for friends among the Italians

  • Mitico/a- legendary
  • Cervellone/a- big brain
  • Chiacchierone- chatterbox

For the last two phrases, be careful how you use them because they can be offensive, too.

It can be used as a nickname and for calling your friends.

Terms of Endearment For Family Members

  • Bello/ Bella- Handsome/Beautiful

Perhaps the most used Italian term of endearment became also used worldwide.

Perhaps it became so important because there is no Italian romantic movie without the phrase ' Ciao bella' along with typical Italian body language.

The word can be used practically between anyone. It is casual, so you can't always use it the same way.

Yes, you can use it when you have someone in the store or you can hear a teacher telling ‘bella’ to her pupil.

Please note that the word has two forms: bello is used for masculine and bella for feminine.

Besides these two, here are several more commonly used terms of endearment family members use among themselves.

  • Bimbi- kids
  • Mamma- mom
  • Mammina- mommy
  • Papi- dad
  • Papino- daddy

Interestingly, the words 'mammina' and 'papino' are also used humorously among the older kids.

  • Nonnina- granny
  • Nonnino- grandpa
  • Topolina/Topolino — little mouse
  • Cucciola/Cucciolo — puppy

These two terms are among the most commonly used ones when you talk to kids.

When we talk about the terms you can use with everyone like we use 'honey,' 'sweetheart' or 'baby' in English, in Italian, they are 'dolcezza' which literally means 'sweetness.' By the way, this term is very casual and informal.

Besides this one, you can also use 'carina' which means 'cute' but it is also used so that it means 'dear.'

Terms of Endearment For Partners

  • Amore Mio (My love)

Even though this term of endearment exists in almost every language, it is always touching when you say it sincerely and from the bottom of your heart.

It simply even gets out of style.

  • La Mia Anima (My soul)

This expression shows your commitment and seriousness, therefore, don't use it if you don't really feel that way.

  • La Mia Vita (My life)

When you say to your significant other that he/she is your life, that's quite serious.

By saying this, you are clear that there is no one else in your life nor there will be.

How romantic, isn't it?

  • Anima Gemella (Soulmate)

Literally, it can be translated as 'twin soul' but it is used like in English you would use 'soulmate.’

When things are serious between you and your partner and you get to that stage and you are sure that he/she is the one, you can use this expression.

Since there is no masculine form, please note that the form 'anima' is used both for males and females.

  • Cuore Mio (My heart)

In Italian-speaking countries, married couples often use this term.

Even though it may seem a little old-fashioned, it actually never goes out of style because it shows all the love, commitment, and the decision that you are serious about that relationship.

  • Tesoro ( Darling)

Using the word 'tesoro' is common between family members. It is literally translated as 'treasure' but its English equivalent can be 'darling.'

Telling someone 'tesoro' means that he or she has an important place in your heart.

Mother to her child, grandfather to his grandchildren, or partners to one another; every family member can use this term.

Final Thoughts

Being polite is one thing but acting warm and using words and phrases to express your feelings is another.

Both cases are equally important, especially mastering them in Italian.

So, these common Italian phrases of endearment are not only a great way to help you with your Italian vocabulary but also the way to meet Italian soul and passion through them.

To progress in your Italian studies, check out these excellent online resources:

Babbel provides delightful, easy-to-follow lessons ideal for daily learning.

For a thorough exploration of Italian, consider Udemy’s extensive courses, which provide insights from the basics to more advanced topics.

If direct interaction suits your style, Preply’s native Italian tutors can help boost your speaking skills. Visit now and take advantage of a 50% discount on your first lesson with this link.

What do couples call each other in Italian?

Amore Mio (My love) Even though this term of endearment exists in almost every language, it is always touching when you say it sincerely and from the bottom of your heart. It simply even gets out of style. La Mia Anima (My soul) This expression shows your commitment and seriousness, therefore, don't use it if you don't really feel that way. La Mia Vita (My life) When you say to your significant other that he/she is your life, that's quite serious. By saying this, you are clear that there is no one else in your life nor there will be. How romantic, isn't it?

What are some common terms of endearment in Italian for friends?

Our friends are people we love and spending time together with them makes us happy and fulfilled. Somehow, they are more than our families,they are persons we’ve chosen to be connected with. That’s why it is normal to show our feelings to them. Some of the commonly used Italian terms of endearment you can use are as follows: Compa, short for companero- buddy Compare- homie This phrase today isn't used often and it is considered old-fashioned. Fratello- brother Sorella- sister Bello/a- beautiful This phrase is a typical nickname for friends among the Italians Mitico/a- legendary Cervellone/a- big brain Chiacchierone- chatterbox

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