Spanish-speaking cultures are known for being colorful and slightly flamboyant in both their speech and style of dress.
Spanish-speakers, be they male or female, tend to have a great sense of personal style and a discerning eye when it comes to clothing.
While Spanish fashion brands might traditionally be as known as the big fashion houses of Italy or France, their still pretty influential. There’s Zara, which is one of the world’s largest retailers and a leader in the fast fashion sector, and Mango which was founded in the ’80s in Barcelona and now has multiple stores in almost all continents.
If you’re going to spend any amount of time in Spain or a Spanish-speaking country, it is a good idea to learn some Spanish clothes vocabulary. Not only will this help you if you want to go shopping at one of the Spanish fashion retailers, but complimenting a Spanish speaker on their clothing is a great topic for small talk. It could also help you prepare for your trip, as depending on the season, you might need a certain item of clothing like a jacket or a wide-brimmed hat.
To help you improve your Spanish clothes vocabulary, we’ve included a few of the most common and important pieces of clothing and what they are called in Spanish
Spanish Words For Clothing You Wear On Top
No matter what the season or the weather, you are going to need a few tops packed in your luggage or folded in your wardrobe. Here are a few of the most common words in Spanish for clothes that you wear on the top part of your body.
1. Camisa
Pronunciation guide: kah-mee-sah
Meaning: Shirt
2. Camiseta
Pronunciation guide: kah-mee-she-tah
Meaning: T-shirt
3. Playera
Pronunciation guide: plah-yeh-rah
Meaning: T-shirt
4. Camisa
Pronunciation guide: kah-mee-sah
Meaning: Button-down shirt
5. Polo
Pronunciation guide: po-lo
Meaning: Polo shirt
6. Blusa
Pronunciation guide: bloo-sah
Meaning: Blouse
7. Blazer
Pronunciation guide: bley-zuhr
Meaning: Blazer
Pronunciation guide: soo-dah-deh-rah
Meaning: Sweatshirt
9. Suéter
Pronunciation guide: sweh-tehr
Meaning: Sweater
10. Cárdigan
Pronunciation guide: kar-dih-gihn
Meaning: Cardigan
11. Chaqueta de punto
Pronunciation guide: chah-keh-tah deh poon-toh
Meaning: Cardigan
12. Túnica
Pronunciation guide: too-nee-kah
Meaning: Tunic
13. Chaleco
Pronunciation guide: chah-leh-koh
Meaning: Vest
14. Sudadera con capucha
Pronunciation guide: soo-dah-deh-rah kohn kah-poo-chah
Meaning: Hoodie
Spanish Clothing Words For Clothes You Wear On The Bottom
Most of us go around wearing two basic pieces of clothing every day, a top like a t-shirt or a blouse, and something on the bottom, like pants or a skirt. Here is the basic Spanish clothes vocabulary for clothes that you wear to cover the lower part of your body.
1. Pantalón
Pronunciation guide: pahn-tah-lohn
Meaning: Pants
2. Pantalón
Pronunciation guide: pahn-tah-lohn
Meaning: Trousers
3. Pantalón vaquero
Pronunciation guide: pahn-tah-lohn bah-keh-roh
Meaning: Jeans
4. Pantalón de mezclilla
Pronunciation guide: pahn-tah-lohn deh mehs-klee-yah
Meaning: Jeans
5. Pantalón de lino
Pronunciation guide: pahn-tah-lohn deh lee-noh
Meaning: Linen pants
6. Pantalón de vestir
Pronunciation guide: pahn-tah-lohn deh behs-teer
Meaning: Dress pants
7. Pantalón de traje
Pronunciation guide: pahn-tah-lohn deh trah-heh
Meaning: suit pants
8. Pantalón corto
Pronunciation: pahn-tah-lohn kohr-toh
Meaning: Shorts
9. Pantalón de chándal
Pronunciation guide: pahn-tah-lohn deh chahn-dahl
Meaning: Sweat pants
10. Pantalón de jogging
Pronunciation guide: pahn-tah-lohn deh yoh-geen
Meaning: Jogging pants
11. Falda
Pronunciation guide: fahl-dah
Meaning: Skirt
12. Minifalda
Pronunciation guide: mee-nee-fahl-dah
Meaning: Miniskirt
13. Mallas
Pronunciation guide:mah-yahs
Meaning: Leggings
Spanish Words Used To Describe Outerwear
Many Spanish-speaking areas experience cold or rainy weather, depending on the seasons. It’s best to be prepared by having some outerwear in your luggage that you can pull out and don as needed. Here are a few words in Spanish for outerwear that you should know so you're prepared for any changes in the weather.
1. Abrigo
Pronunciation guide: ah-bree-goh
Meaning: Coat
2. Chaqueta
Pronunciation guide: chah-keh-tah
Meaning: Jacket
3. Chamarra
Pronunciation guide: chah-mah-rrah
Meaning: Jacket
4. Cazadora bomber
Pronunciation guide: kah-sah-doh-rah bam-uhr
Meaning: Bomber jacket
5. Cazadora vaquero
Pronunciation guide: kah-sah-doh-rah bah-keh-roh
Meaning: Jean jacket
6. Cazadora motera
Pronunciation guide: kah-sah-doh-rah mo-the-roh
Meaning: Motorcycle jacket
7. Impermeable
Pronunciation guide: eem-pehrr-meh-ah-bleh
Meaning: Raincoat
8. Gabardina
Pronunciation guide: gah-bahr-dee-nah
Meaning: Trench coat
9. Poncho
Pronunciation guide: pan-cho
Meaning: Poncho
10. Parka
Pronunciation guide: par-kuh
Meaning: Parka
11. Chal
Pronunciation guide: chahl
Meaning: Shawl
12. Rebozo
Pronunciation guide: rreh-boh-soh
Meaning: Shawl
13. Gorra
Pronunciation guide: goh-rrah
Meaning: Cap
14. Gorro
Pronunciation guide: goh-rroh
Meaning: Woolen hat
15. Capucha
Pronunciation guide: kah-poo-chah
Meaning: Hood
16. Sombrero
Pronunciation guide: sohm-breh-roh
Meaning: Hat
17. Boina
Pronunciation guide: boy-nah
Meaning: Beret
18. Guantes
Pronunciation guide: gwahn-teh
Meaning: Gloves
19. Manoplas
Pronunciation guide: mah-noh-plahs
Meaning: Mittens
20. Bufanda
Pronunciation guide: boo-fahn-dah
Meaning: Scarf
Spanish Clothing Vocabulary You Can Use When Referring to Formalwear
If you are invited somewhere with a more formal dress code than t-shirts and jeans, you’re going to want to know and understand the meaning of these Spanish words for clothing.
1. Vestido
Pronunciation guide: behs-tee-doh
Meaning: Dress
2. Traje
Pronunciation guide: trah-heh
Meaning: Suit
3. Corbata
Pronunciation guide: kohr-bah-tah
Meaning: Tie
4. Corbatín
Pronunciation guide: kohr-bah-teen
Meaning: Bowtie
5. Tirantes
Pronunciation guide: tee-rahn-tehs
Meaning: Suspenders
6. Esmoquin
Pronunciation guide: ehs-moh-keen
Meaning: Tuxedo
7. Vestido largo
Pronunciation guide: behs-tee-doh lahr-goh
Meaning: Gown
Spanish Clothes Vocabulary: Words That Refer To Footwear
Footwear in general in Spanish is called “calzado”, while shoes are “zapatos”. If you want to be more specific, if you want to refer to high heels or sneakers, there are the Spanish clothing words you should know.
1. Zapatos deportivos
Pronunciation guide: sah-pah-toh deh-pohr-tee-boh
Meaning: Sneakers
2. Sandalias
Pronunciation guide: sahn-dah-lyahs
Meaning: Sandals
3. Mocasines
Pronunciation guide: moh-kah-seens
Meaning: Loafers
4. Chanclas
Pronunciation guide: chahng-klahs
Meaning: Flip-flops
5. Chancletas
Pronunciation guide: chahng-kleh-tah
Meaning: Flip-flops
6. Tacones
Pronunciation guide: tah-koh-nehs
Meaning: High heels
7. Zapatos de tacón bajo
Pronunciation guide: sah-pah-toh de tah-kohn bah-hoh
Meaning: Flats
8. Botas
Pronunciation guide: boh-tah
Meaning: Boots
9. Botines
Pronunciation guide: boh-teen
Meaning: Ankle boots
10. Alpargata
Pronunciation guide: ahl-pahr-gah-tah
Meaning: Espadrilles
11. Zapatos de vestir
Pronunciation guide: sah-pah-toh de behs-teer
Meaning: Dress shoes
Other Spanish Clothing Words
Here are a few other words for clothing and accessories in Spanish. When you want to compliment someone on their outfit, or just need to buy a few clothing necessities, these words can help.
1. Mono
Pronunciation guide: moh-noh
Meaning: Romper
2. Peto
Pronunciation guide: peh-toh
Meaning: Overalls
3. Vestido sin mangas
Pronunciation guide: behs-tee-doh seen mahng-gahs
Meaning: Sundress, sleeveless dress
4. Vestido de novia
Pronunciation guide: behs-tee-doh de noh-byah
Meaning: Wedding gown
5. Ropa interior
Pronunciation guide: rroh-pah een-the-ryohr
Meaning: Underwear
6. Sostén
Pronunciation guide: sohs-tehn
Meaning: Bra
7. Sujetador
Pronunciation guide: soo-heh-tah-dohr
Meaning: Bra
8. Calzón
Pronunciation guide: kahl-sohn
Meaning: Panty
9. Panti
Pronunciation guide: pahn-tee
Meaning: Panty
10. Calzones
Pronunciation guide: kahl-sohn
Meaning: Briefs
11. Calzoncillos
Pronunciation guide: kahl-sohn-see-yohs
Meaning: Boxers
12. Tanga
Pronunciation guide: tahng-gah
Meaning: Thong
13. Medias
Pronunciation guide: meh-dyah
Meaning: stocking or socks
14. Panitmedias
Pronunciation guide: pahn-tee-meh-dyahs
Meaning: Pantyhose
15. Calcetines
Pronunciation guide: kahl-she-teen-es
Meaning: Socks
16. Pijama
Pronunciation guide: pee-yah-mah
Meaning: pajamas
17. Camisola
Pronunciation guide: kah-mee-soh-lah
Meaning: Camisole
18. Bata
Pronunciation guide: bah-tah
Meaning: Robe
19. Camisón
Pronunciation guide: kah-mee-sohn
Meaning: Nightgown
20. Traje de baño
Pronunciation guide: trah-heh deh bah-nyoh
Meaning: Bathing suit
21. Traje de baño enterizo
Pronunciation guide: trah-heh deh bah-nyoh ehn-teh-ree-soh
Meaning: One-piece
22. Bikini
Pronunciation guide: bih-ki-ni
Meaning: Bikini
23. Camiseta de neoprene
Pronunciation guide: kah-mee-she-tah de neh-oh-prej-noh
Meaning: Rashguard
24. Sujetador deportivo
Pronunciation guide: soo-heh-tah-dohr deh-pohr-tee-boh
Meaning: Sports bra
25. Chándal
Pronunciation guide: chahn-dahl
Meaning: Tracksuit
26. Cinturón
Pronunciation guide: seen-too-rohn
Meaning: Belt
27. Reloj
Pronunciation guide: rreh-lohh
Meaning: Watch
28. Collar
Pronunciation guide: koh-yahr
Meaning: Necklace
29. Pulsera
Pronunciation guide: pool-seh-rah
Meaning: Bracelet
30. Aretes
Pronunciation guide: ah-reh-teh
Meaning: Earrings
31. Pendientes
Pronunciation guide: pehn-dyehn-teh
Meaning: Earrings
32. Anillo
Pronunciation guide: ah-nee-yoh
Meaning: Ring
33. Pañuelo
Pronunciation guide: pah-nyweh-loh
Meaning: Handkerchief
34. Gafas de sol
Pronunciation guide: gah-fahs dehl sohl
Meaning: Sunglasses
35. Lentes de sol
Pronunciation guide: lehn-tehs deh sohl
Meaning: Sunglasses
36. Bolsa
Pronunciation guide: bohl-sah
Meaning: Purse or bag
37. Cartera
Pronunciation guide: kahr-the-rah
Meaning: Wallet
38. Gafas
Pronunciation guide: gah-fahs
Meaning: Glasses
39. Anteojos
Pronunciation guide: ahn-the-oh-hohs
Meaning: Eyeglasses
40. Maletín
Pronunciation guide: mah-leh-teen
Meaning: Briefcase
41. Mochila
Pronunciation guide: moh-chee-lah
Meaning: Backpack
42. Paraguas
Pronunciation guide: pah-rah-gwas
Meaning: Umbrella
For you to become fluent in Spanish, you need to do two things: build up your vocabulary and practice using that vocabulary in daily conversation.
Studying and memorizing lists of related words, such as this list of Spanish clothes vocabulary, is a great way to build up your mental database of Spanish words and phrases. In order to really say that you know how to use these words, however, you should be able to incorporate them into daily conversation.
If you are looking to get a broader Spanish vocabulary and learn more about Spanish culture, try this course on Coursera. It takes you anywhere from how to meet and greet people, to learning about Spanish food and Traditions.
What are some Spanish words for clothes?
Camisa - shirt, Camiseta - T shirt, Playera - T shirt, Blusa - blouse, Chaqueta - Jacket, Cazadora bomber - Bomber jacket, Impermeable - raincoat, Poncho - poncho, Capucha - Hood
How to say pants in Spanish?
Pantalón, Pantalón vaquero, Pantalón de mezclilla, Pantalón de lino, Pantalón de vestir, Pantalón de traje, Pantalón corto, Pantalón de chándal