How to Talk About Seasons in Spanish?

How to Talk About Seasons in Spanish?

Even though seasons in Spanish aren’t something particularly difficult to learn and use in your conversations, it doesn’t mean that they're not important.

Besides, when we say you have to know seasons in Spanish, we don’t mean only the four basic seasons, spring, summer, autumn, and winter, but also other related words and phrases that can help you communicate with others about the things you do in different seasons during a year.

Therefore, we’ve dedicated this post to the seasons in Spanish as well as words and phrases related to the seasons, so regardless of your proficiency level, you should keep reading.

And now let’s dive in.

‘Season’ in Spanish

Before we start with seasons and related words and phrases, you should know how to use some general terms, the word ‘season’ in the first place.

In Spanish, the word ‘season’ is called ‘estación.’ Sometimes, the word ‘época’ can be used but it mainly means ‘the time of the year.’

Besides the word ‘season,’ you should also know how to say ‘solstice’ in Spanish, which is ‘solsticio.’

During a year, which is in Spanish ‘año,’ when the day and night are equally long, it is called ‘equinoxes’ and in Spanish, ‘equinoccio.’

Now that you are equipped with general words, let’s move forward.

The Four Seasons

Like in any other language or country, there are four seasons during one year. ‘Four seasons’ in Spanish are ‘las cuatro estaciones.’

As for the seasons themselves, In Spanish, they are:

  • la primavera – spring
  • el verano – summer
  • el otoño – autumn/fall
  • el invierno – winter

Besides the elementary ones, in Spanish-speaking countries, there are two more ‘seasons.’ Well, not that they are really seasons, but they are so common in these areas that we would rather call them ‘seasons.’ They are:

  • la estación lluviosa – the rainy season
  • la estación seca – the dry season

Since there are 21 Spanish-speaking countries all over the world, you have to understand that not all countries' seasons start at the same time.

In Spain, for example, ‘la primavera’ starts in March, while in Argentina, it starts in September.

Furthermore, in the Dominican Republic, there isn’t a real ‘primavera’ because this country is a typical tropical country.

It is, perhaps, something most of you are aware of, but it couldn’t hurt to mention and keep in mind when you speak with the locals about weather and seasons in general.

La Primavera (Spring)

The word ‘la primavera’ comes from Latin, in the meaning ‘prima’ which is ‘first’ and ‘verb’ which comes from ‘veris,’ that is, that, in ancient Rome, was used for the first two seasons, spring and summer. So, ‘la primavera’ is the first part of those seasons.

‘La primavera’ is a feminine noun, which you can see from the article.

Now that you know everything you have to know about the word itself in Spanish, you can boost your ‘primaveral’ (spring-like) vocabulary with the following words and phrases.

  • la brisa – breeze
  • la flor – flower/ blossom
  • florecer – to bloom
  • la mariposa – butterfly
  • el pájaro – bird
  • ir de picnic – to have a picnic
  • la limpieza de primavera – spring cleaning
  • la mariquita – ladybug
  • la planta – plant
  • el ramo – bouquet
  • verde – green
  • colores claros – light colors
  • colores pastel – pastel colors
  • el clima - the weather
  • clima templado – temperate weather
  • temperatura fresca – cool temperature

Verano (Summer)

Here’s the second part of the Latin ‘ver.’

Sometimes, you can hear the word ‘estío’ in the meaning summer, but it is mainly used in literature.

The word ‘el verano’ is a masculine noun.

When you think about the summer, feelings and things connected to this warm season are mainly ‘to relax,’ ‘to be happy,’ ‘celebrations,’ etc.

In the following lines, you can find some warm words and phrases you can use when you want to talk about ‘el verano’ in Spanish.

  • el mar – sea
  • la arena – sand
  • colores llamativos – flashy colors
  • colores vivos – vibrant colors
  • días largos – long days
  • divertirse – to have fun
  • el helado – ice cream
  • el sol – sun
  • ir a la playa – to go to the beach
  • la fruta – fruits
  • la piña – pineapple
  • la sandía – watermelon
  • las vacaciones de verano – summer vacations
  • nadar – to swim
  • noches cortas – short nights
  • relajarse – to relax
  • tomar helado – to have ice cream
  • un día soleado – sunny day

Among the Spanish, summer is the favorite season. Kids are on their summer holidays, and adults mainly get some time off from work. 

One of the important events in Spanish-speaking countries is ‘la Noche de San Juan’ (Saint John’s Night), the time of the year when there is summer solstice.

At the end of August, in the Spanish city, Valencia, there’s one of the worldwide popular events ‘la Tomatina,’ where people spend a day having a food fight with tomatoes.

Otoño (Autumn)

Here’s a word that is similar to the English one. It comes from Latin ‘autumnus,’ which is also used in English ‘as autumn.’

In Spanish, there is no other word for ‘autumn,’ and unlike in English, where you can use both ‘autumn’ or ‘fall,’ in Spanish, you use only the word ‘otoño.’

Unlike Halloween, which is one of the favorite holidays in the USA, this holiday isn’t so celebrated in the Hispanic world. Right after Halloween, there comes one of the most important holidays, the favorite one in Mexico, ‘Día de Los Muertos’ (Day of the Dead).

If you plan to visit Hispanic countries at this time of year, you should be prepared with some related words and phrases. Here are some of them.

  • colores cálidos – warm colors
  • cosecha – harvest
  • el árbol – tree
  • el maíz – corn
  • el viento – wind
  • el vino – wine
  • la calabaza – pumpkin
  • la hoja – leaf
  • la manzana – apple
  • marrón – brown
  • naranja or anaranjado –orange
  • recoger hojas – gather up leaves
  • rojo – red
  • temperaturas en caída – falling temperature

Invierno (Winter)

Winter or ‘invierno’ in Spanish is all about family, holidays and gatherings, love, and respect.

One of the most important winter holidays is ‘la Nochebuena’ (Christmas Eve) followed by ‘la Navidad’ (Christmas). On the 31st of December, there is ‘Nochevieja’ (New Year’s Eve). When the clock strikes midnight, on the 1st of January there comes ‘Día de Año Nuevo’ (New Year’s Day).

One of the popular holidays is ‘Día de Reyes’ (Day of the Kings) celebrated on the 6th of January in honor of the ‘Reyes Magos’ (Three Wise Men).

Final Thoughts

Talking about seasons is always a light topic you can talk about with anyone. 

So, now you have everything you need to start a conversation with native Spanish speakers about the seasons and related things.


What are some springs words in Spanish?

The word ‘la primavera’ comes from Latin, in the meaning ‘prima’ which is ‘first’ and ‘verb’ which comes from ‘veris,’ that is, that, in ancient Rome, was used for the first two seasons, spring and summer. So, ‘la primavera’ is the first part of those seasons. ‘La primavera’ is a feminine noun, which you can see from the article. Now that you know everything you have to know about the word itself in Spanish, you can boost your ‘primaveral’ (spring-like) vocabulary with the following words and phrases. la brisa – breeze la flor – flower/ blossom florecer – to bloom la mariposa – butterfly el pájaro – bird ir de picnic – to have a picnic la limpieza de primavera – spring cleaning la mariquita – ladybug la planta – plant el ramo – bouquet verde – green colores claros – light colors colores pastel – pastel colors el clima - the weather clima templado – temperate weather temperatura fresca – cool temperature

What are some summer words in Spanish?

Here’s the second part of the Latin ‘ver.’ Sometimes, you can hear the word ‘estío’ in the meaning summer, but it is mainly used in literature. The word ‘el verano’ is a masculine noun. When you think about the summer, feelings and things connected to this warm season are mainly ‘to relax,’ ‘to be happy,’ ‘celebrations,’ etc. In the following lines, you can find some warm words and phrases you can use when you want to talk about ‘el verano’ in Spanish. el mar – sea la arena – sand colores llamativos – flashy colors colores vivos – vibrant colors días largos – long days divertirse – to have fun el helado – ice cream el sol – sun ir a la playa – to go to the beach la fruta – fruits la piña – pineapple la sandía – watermelon las vacaciones de verano – summer vacations nadar – to swim noches cortas – short nights relajarse – to relax tomar helado – to have ice cream un día soleado – sunny day

What are some winter words in Spanish?

Here’s a word that is similar to the English one. It comes from Latin ‘autumnus,’ which is also used in English ‘as autumn.’ In Spanish, there is no other word for ‘autumn,’ and unlike in English, where you can use both ‘autumn’ or ‘fall,’ in Spanish, you use only the word ‘otoño.’ Unlike Halloween, which is one of the favorite holidays in the USA, this holiday isn’t so celebrated in the Hispanic world. Right after Halloween, there comes one of the most important holidays, the favorite one in Mexico, ‘Día de Los Muertos’ (Day of the Dead). If you plan to visit Hispanic countries at this time of year, you should be prepared with some related words and phrases. Here are some of them. colores cálidos – warm colors cosecha – harvest el árbol – tree el maíz – corn el viento – wind el vino – wine la calabaza – pumpkin la hoja – leaf la manzana – apple marrón – brown naranja or anaranjado –orange recoger hojas – gather up leaves rojo – red temperaturas en caída – falling temperature

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