Nature Words in Spanish: 123 Words To Describe The Beauty Of The Natural World

Nature Words in Spanish: 123 Words To Describe The Beauty Of The Natural World

Are you a nature lover? Even if you are more of a city-dweller, you’ve likely taken a short vacation or trip to the countryside or the beach or even gone hiking in a mountain range.

No matter how cosmopolitan Spanish-speakers might seem, they do have an affinity for their “wild” and rural places. Many of them eagerly look forward to getting out of the city for the weekends and enjoying some fresh air.

Learning nature words in Spanish is a good way to improve your vocabulary and also increase your ability to have casual conversations with your new, Spanish-speaking friends. To help you learn, we’ve compiled this list of some basic nature words in Spanish.

9 Basic Words About Nature In Spanish

Talking about nature and the natural world around you is a good icebreaker conversation. To start you off here are a few basic words that talk about nature in Spanish. 

1. Tierra

Pronunciation guide: tyeh-rrah

Meaning: Earth

2. Agua 

Pronunciation guide: ah-gwah

Meaning: Water

3. Aire

Pronunciation guide: ay-reh 

Meaning: Air

4. El sol

Pronunciation guide: ehl sohl

Meaning: The sun

5. La luna

Pronunciation guide: lah loo-nah

Meaning: The moon

6. Las estrellas

Pronunciation guide: lah ehs-treh-yah

Meaning: The stars

7. El suelo

Pronunciation guide: ehl swehloh

Meaning: The soil

8. El suelo

Pronunciation guide: ehl swehloh

Meaning: The ground

9. El cielo

Pronunciation guide: ehl syeh-loh 

Meaning: Sky

Spanish Words You Can Use When Talking Plants And Other That Grow In The Earth 

When talking about nature in Spanish, it’s practically inevitable that you will talk about plants and other things that grow in the earth. To help you out, here are a few basic Spanish words that pertain to plants.

1. La plantas

Pronunciation guide: lah plahn-tahs

Meaning: The plants

2. El tallo

Pronunciation guide: ehl tah-yo

Meaning: The stem

3. La hoja

Pronunciation guide: lah oh-hah

Meaning: The leaf

4. La raíz

Pronunciation guide: lah rrah-ees

Meaning: The root

5. La fruta

Pronunciation guide: lah froo-tah

Meaning: The fruit

6. La semilla

Pronunciation guide: lah she-mee-yah

Meaning: Seed

7. El arbusto

Pronunciation guide: ehl ahr-boos-toh

Meaning: The bush

8. El árbol

Pronunciation guide: ehl ahr-bohl

Meaning: The tree

9. La flor

Pronunciation guide: lah flohr

Meaning: The flower

10. El vegetal

Pronunciation guide: ehl beh-heh-tal

Meaning: The vegetable

11. El cactus

Pronunciation guide: ehl kahk-toos

Meaning: The cactus

12. La mala hierba

Pronunciation guide: Lah mah-lah yehr-bah

Meaning: The weed

13. La herba

Pronunciation guide: lah yehr-bah

Meaning: The herb

14. El césped

Pronunciation guide: ehl sehs-pehd

Meaning: The grass

Common Nature Words in Spanish If You Want To Talk About Trees

As we mentioned, in Spanish, the nature word for “tree” is “árbol”. There are also, however, other words that you can use when talking about trees in Spanish. Here are some basic Spanish words for common trees.

1. El castaño

Pronunciation guide: ehl kahs-tah-nyo

Meaning: The chestnut tree

2. El cedro

Pronunciation: ehl seh-droh

Meaning: The cedar

3. La haya

Pronunciation: lah ah-yah

Meaning: The beech tree

4. El olmo

Pronunciation guide: ehl ohl-moh

Meaning: The elm tree

5. El roble

Pronunciation guide: ehl rroh-bleh

Meaning: The oak tree

6. El robledo

Pronunciation guide: rroh-bleh-doh

Meaning: The oak wood

7. La palmas

Pronunciation guide: las pahl-mahs

Meaning: The palm trees

8. El pino

Pronunciation guide: ehl pe-noh

Meaning: The pine tree

9. El pinar

Pronunciation guide: ehl pee-nahr

Meaning: The pine forest

10. El eucalipto

Pronunciation guide: ehl ehoo-kahh-leep-toh

Meaning: The eucalyptus

11. El árbol frutal

Pronunciation guide: ehl ahr-bohl froo-tahl

Meaning: Fruit tree

Beautiful Spanish Words About Flowers and Flowering Plants

The word for ‘flower” in Spanish is “flor”. As in many cultures, in Spanish, “flor” or flower is also often used as a common feminine name. Here are a few more words in Spanish related to flowers as well as a few Spanish names for common flowers you might encounter on your travels.

1. El pétalo

Pronunciation guide: ehl peh-tah-loh

Meaning: The petal

2. El polent

Pronunciation guide: ehl poh-lehn

Meaning: The pollen

3. La espina

Pronunciation guide: lah ehs-pee-nah

Meaning: The thorn

4. Las rosas

Pronunciation guide: lahs roh-sahs

Meaning: The roses

5. Los claveles

Pronunciation guide: lahs klah-beh-lehs

Meaning: The carnation

6. Las margaritas

Pronunciation guide: lahs mahr-gah-ree-tahs

Meaning: The daisies

7. Los lirios

Pronunciation guide: lohs lee-reeohs

Meaning: The lilies

8. Las dalias

Pronunciation guide: lahs dah-leeahs 

Meaning: The dahlias

9. Las lilas

Pronunciation guide: lahs lee-lah

Meaning: The lilacs

10. La amapola

Pronunciation guide: lah ah-mah-poh-lah

Meaning: The poppy

11. Los geranios

Meaning: The geraniums

Pronunciation guide: lohs heh-rah-neeohs

12. El tulipán

Pronunciation guide: ehl too-lee-pahn

Meaning: The tulip

13. Las violetas

Pronunciation guide: lahs byoh-leh-tah

Meaning: The violets

14. Les orquideas

Pronunciation guide: lahs ohr-kee-dahahs

Meaning: The orchids

15. La flor de lavada

Pronunciation guide: lah flohr deh lah-bahn-dah

Meaning: The lavender flower

Nature Words In Spanish That Refer To The Place And The View 

One of the major reasons to travel outside the city is to enjoy the majestic natural views. Aside from visiting major cities and cultural centers, you should really take time to travel to some natural landmarks and enjoy the landscape. Here are a few words you should know so you can ask about and talk about the natural sights that you can see in your travels.

1. La vista

Pronunciation guide: lah bees-tah

Meaning: The view

2. El paisaje

Pronunciation guide: ehl pay-sah-heh

Meaning: The landscape

3. La montaña

Pronunciation guide: lah mohn-tahn-ya

Meaning: The mountain

4. La sierra

Pronunciation guide: lah syeh-rrah

Meaning: The mountain range

5. El precipicio

Pronunciation guide: lah preh-see-pee-syoh

Meaning: The cliff

6. La cueva

Pronunciation guide: lah kway-bah

Meaning: The cave

7. La colina

Pronunciation guide: lah koh-lee-nah

Meaning: The hill

8. El arroyo

Pronunciation guide: ehl ah-rroh-yoh

Meaning: The stream

9. El riachuelo

Pronunciation guide: ehl rryah-chweh-loh

Meaning: The brook

10. El bosque

Pronunciation guide: ehl bohs-keh

Meaning: The forest

12. El valle

Pronunciation guide: ehl bah-yeah

Meaning: The valley

13. El lago 

Pronunciation guide: ehl lah-goh

Meaning: The lake

14. El río

Pronunciation guide: ehl ree-oh

Meaning: The river

15. El mar

Pronunciation guide: el mahr

Meaning: The sea

16. La arena

Pronunciation guide: lah ah-ray-nah

Meaning: The sand

17. El océano

Pronunciation guide: ehl oh-she-ah-noh

Meaning: The ocean

18. La orilla

Pronunciation guide: lah oh-ree-yah

Meaning: The shore

19. La playa

Pronunciation guide: Lah plah-yah

Meaning: The beach

20. La cascada

Pronunciation guide: Lah kahs-kah-dah

Meaning: The waterfall

21. El bosque

Pronunciation guide: ehl bohs-keh

Meaning: The forest

22. La selva tropical

Pronunciation guide: lah sehl-bah troh-pee-kahl 

Meaning: The rainforest

23. La selva

Pronunciation guide: lah sehl-bah

Meaning: The jungle

24. El desierto

Pronunciation guide: ehl deh-syerhr-toh

Meaning: The desert

25. La sabana

Pronunciation guide: lah sah-bah-nah

Meaning: The savannah

26. Las dunas

Pronunciation guide: Lahs doo-nahs

Meaning: The dunes

27. El jardín

Pronunciation guide: ehl hahr-deen

Meaning: The garden

28. El césped

Pronunciation guide: ehl sehs-pehd

Meaning: The lawn

29. El huerto

Pronunciation guide: ehl wehr-toh

Meaning: The orchard

30. El huerto

Pronunciation guide: ehl wehr-toh

Meaning: The vegetable garden

31. La granja

Pronunciation guide: lah grahng-hah

Meaning: The farm

Spanish Words That You Should Learn To Talk About The Weather And Other Natural Phenomenon

If you are going to be living or traveling in a Spanish-speaking area, it’s a good thing to be able to talk about the seasons – especially the weather that each season brings. Here are a few Spanish words you need to know to talk about the weather and other natural phenomenon.

1. El tiempo

Pronunciation guide: tyehm-poh

Meaning: The weather

2. La Lluvia

Pronunciation guide: lah yoo-byah

Meaning: The rain

3. Las nubes

Pronunciation guide: lahs noo-behs

Meaning: The clouds

4. El viento

Pronunciation guide: ehl byehn-toh

Meaning: The wind

5. La brisa

Pronunciation guide: lah bree-sah

Meaning: Breeze

6. La tormenta

Pronunciation guide: lah tohr-mehn-tah

Meaning: The storm

7. La nieve

Pronunciation guide: lah nee-ay-bay

Meaning: The snow

8. El granizo

Pronunciation guide: ehl grah-nee-soh

Meaning: The hail

9. El huracán

Pronunciation guide: ehl huh-rih-keyn

Meaning: The hurricane

10. El ciclón

Pronunciation guide: ehl see-klohn

Meaning: The cyclone

11. El tornado

Pronunciation guide: ehl tohr-nah-doh

Meaning: The tornado

12. Aire fresco

Pronunciation guide: ay-reh frehs-koh 

Meaning: Fresh air

13. El amanecer

Pronunciation guide: ehl ah-mah-neh-sehr

Meaning: The sunrise

14. El atardecer

Pronunciation guide: ehl ah-tahr-de-sehr

Meaning: The sunset

15. El calor

Pronunciation guide: ehl kah-lohr

Meaning: The heat

16. El frío

Pronunciation guide: ehl free-oh

Meaning: The cold

17. La ola

Pronunciation guide: lah oh-lah

Meaning: The wave

18. La marea

Pronunciation guide: lah mah-reh-ah

Meaning: The tide

Nature Words In Spanish For Animals You Will See In the Countryside

The nature words in Spanish that we are going to discuss here are for animals – both wild and domesticated – that you are likely to see when you go out of the city and into the countryside.

1. Los insectos

Pronunciation guide: lohs een-sehk-toh

Meaning: The insects

2. Los pájaro

Pronunciation guide: lohs pah-hah-rohs

Meaning: the birds

3. El pez

Pronunciation guide: ehl pehs

Meaning: The fish

4. El cangrejo

Pronunciation guide: ehl kahn-gray-hoh

Meaning: The crab

5. El venado

Pronunciation guide: ehl bay-nah-doh

Meaning: The deer

6. El conejo

Pronunciation guide: ehl koh-nay-hoh

Meaning: The rabbit

7. La mariposa

Pronunciation guide: lah mah-ree-poh-sah

Meaning: The butterfly

8. El mapache

Pronunciation guide: ehl mah-pah-cheh

Meaning: The raccoon

9. El ratón

Pronunciation guide: ehl rrah-tohn

Meaning; The mouse

10. La tortuga

Pronunciation guide: ehl tohr-too-gah

Meaning: The turtle

11. La serpiente

Pronunciation guide: lah sehr-pyehn-the

Meaning: The snake

12. La culebra

Pronunciation guide: lah koo-leh-brah

Meaning: The snake

13. El pato

Pronunciation guide: ehl pah-toh

Meaning: The duck

14. El ganso

Pronunciation guide: ehl gahn-soh

Meaning: The goose

15. La garza

Pronunciation guide: lah gahr-sah

Meaning: The heron

16. La paloma

Pronunciation guide: lah pah-loh-mah

Meaning: The dove

17. El búho

Pronunciation guide: ehl buho

Meaning: The owl

18. La gaviota

Pronunciation guide: lah gah-byoh-tah

Meaning: The seagull

19. El caballo

Pronunciation guide: ehl kah-bah-yoh

Meaning: The horse

20. La vaca

Pronunciation guide: lah bah-ka

Meaning: The cow

21. El toro

Pronunciation guide: ehl toh-roh

Meaning: The bull

22. El cerdo

Pronunciation guide: ehl sehr-doh

Meaning: The pig

23. La oveja

Pronunciation guide: lah oh-beh-hah

Meaning: The sheep

24. La cabra

Pronunciation guide: lah kah-brah

Meaning; The goat

25. El pollo

Pronunciation guide: ehl poh-yoh

Meaning: The chicken


For you to better learn these nature words in Spanish, we’ve complied the words that we talk about in this post (along with their meanings and the pronunciation guides) into this article. We suggest that you print out a copy of this list and take it with you to study and memorize the words at your convenience.

If you're interested in expanding your vocabulary with more than just nature, you should try some of these cool options:

Check out Babbel for fun, interactive lessons that fit into your day easily.

If you want something more in-depth, there's a great Spanish course on Coursera that covers everything from the basics to more advanced topics.

And if you prefer learning with a personal touch, Lingoda offers classes with native speakers that can really help you practice speaking.

What words to use to describe nature in Spanish?

Tierra - Earth, Agua - Water, Aire - Air, El sol- The sun, La luna - The moon, Las estrellas - Stars

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