Learn Spanish With Cartoons: 9 Most Entertaining Cartoons to Find Your Inner Child

Learn Spanish With Cartoons: 9 Most Entertaining Cartoons to Find Your Inner Child

Deep in our hearts, we are all still kids.

We like to play games, listen to children’s music, and watch cartoons.

And what if we tell you that you can still do that and don’t look a bit silly?

Even better, what if we tell you that you can learn something with cartoons?

Yes, you’ve read that right. You can learn Spanish with cartoons.

Now you can be free and admit that learning Spanish with books or in the classroom can be pretty dull. 

And if you want to sit down and learn the language with eagerness and willingness, you should try learning it with cartoons.

So, prepare yourself, and continue reading this post because, in the following lines, we will show you the best Spanish cartoons that are ideal for learning the language.

Besides learning the language, you will also have fun and recall that some of the best things in the world don’t have a price.

Now, let’s dive in.

The 9 Most Entertaining Cartoons For Learning Spanish

Today, almost every cartoon that has ever been made, is available in almost every language. Therefore, it is sometimes hard to say from which country it originally comes. Some of the following cartoons come from Spanish-speaking countries, while others are made, especially as a language learning tool, where you can hear both Spanish and English. It makes it even easier to understand the meaning and get the context.

The main thing is that cartoons are ideal learning tools where both kids and adults can enjoy and learn at the same time.

Dora La Exploradora (Dora The Explorer)

Everyone knows Dora, a seven-year-old Latina girl. Her inevitable companion through adventures is talking backpack, and Boots, a monkey.

Every episode is different. Dora and her friends solve puzzles, overcome obstacles, learn about new things.

If you started learning the language, we suggest watching the cartoon in English, where Dora teaches you Spanish phrases, numbers, colors, and other things. When you learn basic Spanish, you can turn to the Spanish version of the cartoon.

With Dora, you will, undoubtedly, be fully exposed to the language and improve your listening and speaking skills.

Go Diego Go

Diego Marquez is Dora’s cousin, and like Dora, Diego also likes to go on new adventures, conquer places, solve mysteries, and learn about new and exciting things.

Diego travels with his Rescue Pack, which can transform into anything that Diego needs at the moment. Diego's other companion is Baby Jaguar, a talking jungle cat.

The cartoon is perfect for preschoolers to teach them Spanish, ideally five-year-old kids, although the older ones can enjoy it, too.

It means that Spanish beginners and intermediate learners, especially those who like wildlife and learn about the animals, will find the cartoon both entertaining and useful.


If you don’t have kids, you’ve probably haven’t heard of this cartoon. It’s a pity because once you watch the episode, you’ll fall in love with Monty Kazoop and his pet called Jimmy Jones. 

 At the beginning of an episode, there are a prejudice adults have and that differs from the kids’ point of view, especially six-year-olds like Kazoop. Therefore, Kazoop and Jimmy go on an adventure to learn about those assumptions but from the eyes of a six-year-old. There are often funny conclusions, which makes you see the world with different eyes.

The cartoon is available on Netflix, so you can watch in Spanish cartoons with English subtitles for a start. Once you get used to the language, you can turn them off or even turn on the Spanish ones and practice reading as well.

Llama Llama

Llama Llama was released in 2018 on Netflix when quickly it became quite a popular Spanish cartoon and one of the most-watched Netflix cartoons in Spanish. 

Llama Llama lives with his Mama Llama and, in every episode, with other characters, they show the importance of love, friendship, family, and childhood.

The cartoon is made for 3 to 5-year olds. Therefore it is ideal for Spanish students who just started learning the language. Sentences and phrases used in the cartoon are short, and the pronunciation and accent are clear, so any learner can understand easily.

Masha y El Oso ( Masha And the Bear)

Even though this cartoon originally comes from Russia, it became worldwide- known and one of the most favorite ones among kids.

Masha is a sweet, little girl, also curious a little bit. Everywhere she goes, she goes with her best friend, bear, that is, oso.

The bear behaves as an adult. He is responsible and caring, taking care of Masha, and helping her.

Like every kid, Masha often gets into trouble, makes a mess, and has many crazy ideas that only kids can think of.

However, every episode shows love, friendship, and the beauty of nature and creativity. Each episode is different and covers one of the topics, such as cooking, painting, learning, etc.

The cartoon is suitable for every learner, especially for beginners, because the conversations are minimal and sentences are clear and short.

Besides YouTube, Masha y El Oso is also available on Netflix.

Maya And Miguel

Maya and Miguel are twins who like to play with their friends. They are Hispanic, so in parts of the dialogues, some words or phrases are in Spanish. When the characters speak in Spanish, there are also explanations in English.

Maya and Miguel have a parrot, Paco, who is bilingual, but he likes to escape and often gets into trouble. His famous sentence ‘What about Paco? What about Paco?’ became very popular among the kids.

This cartoon is an ideal learning resource because when you get stuck with the Spanish, you have the English help, so either way, you can understand the context.


Enjoy classical music and art while watching cartoons and learning Spanish.

Minieinsteins, or Little Einsteins, is created for bright kids, future Einsteins. With these cartoons, kids learn to work with each other and see the importance of teamwork.

The cartoon is interactive and allows the kids to solve problems or overcome obstacles.

Learn about sea creatures, music, and musical instruments, or body parts. 

Every episode is followed by amazing music and performance, and at the end of the episode, the characters engage you to shout ‘Misión cumplida! (Mission accomplished!).’

Since the cartoon is in Spanish, it is suitable for intermediate students. Beginners can start with the English version and then find the Spanish episode so that they can understand the concept of an episode.

Plaza Sesamo

The well-known Sesame street has its Spanish cousin, Plaza Sesamo. The Spanish version was created in 1972 and, like the English one, remained one of the favorite shows not only for children but for the whole family.

Besides plenty of episodes available on YouTube, on the website, you can also find quizzes, games, and other activities.

For those who aren't familiar with it, Big Bird is a leading character. He teaches kids numbers, colors, and the alphabet. There are Bert and Ernie, Oscar the Grouch, and other characters who participate in teaching and learning. The show is set on the street where characters are teaching, learning, playing, and having fun.


Pocoyo is a sweet little boy with big black eyes, all dressed in blue. His best friend is Pato, a duck who also plays with a pink elephant called Elly and her pet, puppy Loula.

Pocoyo is a toddler and like real toddlers, he also has tantrums when he’s upset.

The cartoon is suitable for beginners because sentences used there are short and quite simple so that the ones who just started learning the language, just like toddlers, can understand the meaning as well as recognize and understand new words.

Final Thoughts

These are the 9 most fun and exciting cartoons that can help you learn Spanish.

You don’t have to be a kid to enjoy them. Kids inside us remind us not to forget to enjoy life and see the true life values.

And there’s no better way but to have fun and learn Spanish at the same time. 

So, get your snacks, make tea, and enjoy!

If you're interested in improving your Spanish skills in other ways than cartoons, you should try some of these cool options:

Check out Babbel for fun, interactive lessons that fit into your day easily.

If you want something more in-depth, there's a great Spanish course on Coursera that covers everything from the basics to more advanced topics.

And if you prefer learning with a personal touch, Lingoda offers classes with native speakers that can really help you practice speaking.

What are the most entertaining cartoons for learning Spanish?

Dora La Exploradora (Dora The Explorer), Go Diego Go, Kazoops?, Llama Llama?, Masha y El Oso ( Masha And the Bear)?.

Why learn Spanish with cartoons?

Learning Spanish with cartoons, even when you're an adult, can be quite effective but also fun. There are many reasons why you should learn Spanish this way: the learning process is natural, it's fun and easy.

How to learn Spanish with cartoons?

With cartoons, you can learn new expressions, new words and get your ear used to the language.

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