21 Inspiring Language Learning Blogs (Written By Polyglots)

21 Inspiring Language Learning Blogs (Written By Polyglots)

One online language learning resource that doesn’t get as much love as say – podcasts or YouTube channels – are language learning blogs.

Language learning blogs are often written by experienced language learners or language teachers who want to share their experiences with those who are just starting out or even just THINKING of learning another language.

Blogs can provide you with an interesting insight on how successful language learners progressed in their lessons and inspire and encourage you in your own learning journey.

Why Should You Visit Language Learning Blogs?

For Encouragement

In between your sessions with a native language tutor, visiting language learning blogs is a great way to keep yourself motivated. 

Learning a new language can be frustrating, sometimes it just seems like you are not learning as quickly as you would like. If you are feeling discouraged with your language learning journey, sometimes it helps to see how others are doing.

Following a good blogger who chronicles their language learning journey openly and honestly will help you see that you are not alone – language learning can be difficult, but it is also oh so rewarding.

Other people also get frustrated, other people also make “laughable” mistakes, and other people pick up new and interesting tips and tricks from their tutors or native speaking friends. These highs and lows are chronicled in linguistics blogs and it can be cathartic to read about them.

For Interesting Language Learning Tips

Language learning and linguistic blogs often feature entries where the blogger explains how they learned something new.

Maybe they picked up a new slang term, are reviewing a flashcard app, or are sharing their favorite language shadowing recordings. Whatever language learning techniques and methods that they’ve tried, they will share on their blog. 

Who knows, what worked for them could end up working very well for you as well. 

Related article: The 9 Awesome Benefits of Being Bilingual (And Why You Should Become One Too)

21 Language Learning Blogs To Check Out

1. I Will Teach You A Language

Olly Richards’ I Will Teach You A Language blog contains numerous posts on the best techniques to learn languages. Richards is a language educator and polyglot – he is fluent in eight languages. According to Richards, the right mindset is key to language learning. He promises to teach you the best ways to study a language – the techniques he himself found effective.

2.  Itchy Feet

A favorite among many language learners is this series of comics on language learning topics by Malalchi Ray Rempen. Rempen chronicles his travels and his language learning journeys with humor and good grace in his simply drawn comics. He illustrates his struggles and triumphs and also shares some interesting tips in his quest to improve his – and yours language learning.

3. Travelengua

Elica is a polyglot who studies Applied Linguistics, but don’t be intimidated by her credentials. In her linguistic blog, Elica takes simply and understandably about common issues in language learning. If you want to learn more about some of the science and theories behind language learning, Elica is the blogger to follow.

4. Speaking Fluently

Richard Simcott is the founder of the Polyglot Conference and the European Ambassador for Multilingualism. In his blog, he shares stories about how he became a polyglot and effective language learning tips. He also has a YouTube channel.

5. Becoming Italian Word by Word

Author Dianne Hales, is devoted to promoting Italian language and culture. She’s been awarded a knighthood for it! You should really check out her book “La Bella Lingua” or, you know, just follow her blog. She blogs about everyday Italian life in an entertaining and colorful fashion. She includes practical lessons and tips how to speak the language and grow closer to the people.   

6. Proper Russian

This language learning blog offers helpful posts on nuances of Russian grammar and vocabulary. Beginning Russian students will gain some helpful tips on developing the proper foundation to advance their Russian language skills. Intermediate learners and more advanced students will also find helpful posts to perfect their grammar and improve their communication skills.

7. Words and Worlds of New York

New York City is known to be a vibrant, cosmopolitan metropolis – home to people from many different cultures and who speak many different languages. Ellen takes you on a journey to explore the many facets of New York by having conversations with people in the many languages of New York. She also shares a variety of useful and practical tips for language learning.

8. Talk Foreign To Me

Ruth of Talk Foreign To Me is proof that you don’t have to be a child to pick up a second or third language quickly. She shares her successful, if sometimes frustrating, journey from being a native English Speaker to someone who taught herself to speak both French and Spanish.

9. All Japanese All The Time

Japanese blogger Khatzumoto’s language learning philosophy is summed up in two sentences: You don’t know a language, you live it. You don’t learn a language, you get used to it. The blog posts in this Japanese language learning blog aim to provide practical tips for learners who wish to learn how to communicate in the language of a native speaker – not a textbook. 

10. Adventures in Midlife Spanish

This is a great Spanish language learning blog to follow – especially if you are wondering at what age is it “too late” to learn Spanish. Newell is proof that, you are never “too old” to learn, having started his Spanish learning journey in his 50s! Newell, who has traveled extensively to Mexico and works with Spanish-speaking immigrants in his home state of Minnesota in the US, shares his adventures in learning Spanish and interacting with native Spanish speakers in heartwarming and interesting blog posts. 

11. Speak French Fluently

Stanley Aleong runs this blog which features posts aimed towards helping learners, well, do what it says in the title: Speak French Fluently. There are three types of blog posts on these sites: How-to-articles, posts on the best French learning strategies and methods, and common mistakes made in speaking French.

12. Hangukdrama & Korean

This blog, run by a Singaporean girl called Shanna, chronicles her language learning journey and shares her own tips on learning the four languages she is fluent in: English, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese. She also talks about her favorite K-dramas and movies, so if you are interested in learning more about Korean pop culture, this blog is a great resource to have bookmarked.

13. Eurolinguiste

Listening to music is a fun and interesting way to learn language and for Shannon, music is indeed an integral part of her language learning journey. Shannon is a professional musician and in this blog she shares her love of both music and language learning with her readers. 

14. The Polyglot Dream

Most people dream of learning a second language, Luca dreamed of more. He now speaks ten languages fluently and shares how a love of languages and a determination to learn can make your dreams of fluency a reality. He shares learning tips and debunks persistent language learning myths that are keeping you from your goals. He’s also a YouTuber so you might want to check out his channel.

15. Mandarin HQ

This Mandarin language learning blog is a great resource for those of us who want to learn how to speak the second most commonly spoken language in the world. Mandarin HG’s goal is to help learners bridge the gap between what they learn in their classes and what they might hear in the streets of China. They have posts that cover Mandarin grammar and vocabulary as they are used daily by native speakers. 

16. GermanPod101

This German language learning blog provides resources to help beginner German language learners build their vocabulary and learn the grammar rules quicker. They also offer fun and informative lessons on the proper use of German phrases in everyday situations as well as insights into German culture.

17. Speaking Latino

This blog, run by Jared Romey, aims to make Spanish language learning fun and entertaining. He loves to incorporate Spanish songs and other media items in his lessons. He also has several posts on the different dialects of Spanish, which can be useful if you are interested in the Hispanic world at large, and not just Spain.

18. Learn Arabic With Maha

Middle Easter languages can be tricky, but Maha Yakoub makes it seem fun and easy. She’s a native Arabic speaker who doesn’t just speak and teach Arabic, but also Hebrew and Italian! She’s also a YouTuber with a channel you will surely want to check out. 

19. Woman Learning Thai

Catherine Wentworth shares her journey as a native English-speaking woman learning to speak the Thai language. She posts practical Thai language learning tips as well as observant and entertaining posts about her life in Thailand.

20. French Crazy

One of the first big French language learning blogs out there, the mission of French Crazy is to provide language learners with a unique and fun way to learn French. Aside from language learning tips, this blog features posts on the lifestyle and culture of France and advice on how to live in this interesting country.

21. The Mezzofanti Guild

This blog is named after the Italian Cardinal Giuseppe Caspar Mezzofanti, who was a hyper-polyglot fluent in 35 languages. The guy behind the blog, Donovan Nagel, is also a polyglot, speaking English, Egyptian Arabic, Russian, Korean, Irish, Greek, and Hebrew. In this blog, he shares his passion for learning languages as well as effective tips to language learners – whether you just want to learn a second language or are trying to become a polyglot as well 


Language learning blogs are a great supplementary learning material for those who are serious about becoming fluent in another language

Blogs by native language speakers expose you to how they really use language in their daily life. While blogs by fellow language learners can provide valuable insight into the learning process and encourage you to keep going on your language learning journey.

Ready to enhance your language proficiency? Here are some excellent options for online education: Start with Babbel for engaging, well-structured lessons that are designed to be both enjoyable and easy to incorporate into your everyday life, helping you progress quickly in language acquisition. If you're seeking comprehensive language training, Udemy’s extensive courses range from fundamental to advanced topics. For those who prefer a tailored approach, Preply offers the chance to interact with native speakers, greatly improving your speaking skills. Enjoy a 50% discount on your first Preply session by using this link.

You can always ask your native language speaking tutor to provide you with a list of language learning blogs that may be helpful to you. If you both follow the same bloggers, you can talk about their latest posts and your tutor can help clarify the lessons they presented and answer any questions you might have. 

Why Should I Read Language Learning Blogs?

In between your sessions with a native language tutor, visiting language learning blogs is a great way to keep yourself motivated. Learning a new language can be frustrating, sometimes it just seems like you are not learning as quickly as you would like. If you are feeling discouraged with your language learning journey, sometimes it helps to see how others are doing. Language learning and linguistic blogs often feature entries where the blogger explains how they learned something new. Maybe they picked up a new slang term, are reviewing a flashcard app, or are sharing their favorite language shadowing recordings. Whatever language learning techniques and methods that they’ve tried, they will share on their blog.

What are the best language learning blogs?

Itchy feet, I will teach you a language, Travelengua, Speaking Fluently, All Japanese All The Time, Words and Worlds of New York, Eurolinguiste

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