There’s no doubt that all of you are familiar with the meaning of the word Hello.
And at least half of you know how to say Hello in Chinese, French, Spanish or German.
But how many of you know how to greet someone in languages like Polish, Malayalam or Hebrew? Not many, right?
So, let’s learn how to say it. As a matter of fact, today we’re going to teach you how to say Hello in 100 different languages.

Different languages worldwide
It’s a well-known fact that languages are extremely important. They allow people to communicate with each other and express their thoughts, feelings and opinions.
Today, there are around 6.500 languages in the world. Around 2.000 of them have fewer than 1.000 speakers.
It means that some of the languages are considered ‘small,’ while others, such as Mandarin Chinese (with around speakers) or English (with around speakers) are considered ‘big.’
Every language is beautiful in its own way. Every language is worth learning too.
Start with the basics
When you take on a new language, Hello is among the first words to learn. Knowing how to greet someone in their language is important because it shows respect and willingness to get to know them.
When you go aboard, local people always appreciate tourists that try to talk to them in their language. Why wouldn’t you be that tourist?
It’s not that hard. It just takes a couple of minutes of your time. If you decide to take it one step further, then it might take you hours or days to learn more phrases.
But if you want to impress them, knowing how to greet them can be sufficient.
That is why we decided to teach how to say Hello both formally and informally in 100 different languages.
Hello in 100 different languages
In some languages, there are different ways to say ‘hello.’
Some languages have a formal and informal way of speaking.
And some of them are so similar, that you might think that they are the same.
Let’s dive in.
- Afrikaans
Formal: Goeie dag
Informal: Hallo!/ Haai!
- Albanian
Formal: Mirëdita!
Informal: Përshëndetje!
- Amharic
Formal: ሰላም ጤና ይስጥልኝ (selam tena jistilign)
Informal: ሰላም (Selam)
- Arabic
Formal: Asalaam alaikum (Peace be upon you)
Informal: Ahlan
- Armenian
Formal: Barev dzez
Informal: Barev
- Basque
Formal: Arratsalde on
- Bengali
Formal: আসসালামু আলাইকুম (Assalamu alaikum) for Muslims; নমস্কার (Nômôskar) for Hindus
Informal: Hyālō
- Bosnian
Formal: Dobar dan, Zdravo
Informal: Ćao, Bok
- Bulgarian
Formal: Добър ден ( Dob’r den)
Informal:Здравейте (Zdraveĭte)
- Burmese
Formal: Min-ga-la-ba shin- said by a woman; Min-ga-la-ba khin-bah- said by a man.
Informal: Ming-gah-lah-bahr
- Cantonese
Formal: 你好 ( nei5 hou2)
Informal: 哈囉 ( haa1 lo3)
- Catalan
Formal: Bon dia
Informal: Hola
- Cebuano
Informal: Hello/ Hoy/ Uy
- Chinese
Formal: 您好 (Nǐn hǎo)
Informal:你好( Nǐ hǎo)
- Croatian.
Formal: Dobar dan
Informal: Zdravo/ Bok
- Czech
Formal: Dobrý den
Informal: Ahoj/ Nazdar! ( this one usually use young people when meet each other)
- Danish
Formal: Goddag
Informal: Hej, Halløj
- Dutch
Formal: Goedendag
Informal: Hoi, Hallo
- Egyptian Arabic
Formal: سلام عليكم ( Salaam ‘aleikum), أهلا وسهلا ( MarHaba)
Informal: اهلا ( Helo)
- English
Formal: Hello
Informal: Hi
- Esperanto
Formal: Saluton
Informal:Sal, Ahoj hoj
- Estonian
Formal: Tere
Informal: Halloo
- Ewe
Both formal and informal: Alekay
Response to ‘Alekay:’ Miledzi
- Fijian
Formal: Ni sa bula/Ni sa bula vinaka
Informal: Bula
- Filipino
Formal: Magandang Hapon
Informal: Kamusta/ Musta
- Finnish
Formal: Hyvää päivää!
Informal: Haloo/ Hei
- French
Formal: Bonjour
Informal: Salut
- Galician
Formal: Boa tarde
Informal: Ola
- Georgian
Formal: დილა მშვიდობისა! (Dila mschvidobisa!)
Informal: გამარჯობა (gamarschoba)
- German
Formal: Guten Tag
Informal: Hallo, Hi
- Greek
Formal: Γεια σας (Yassas)
Informal: Γεια σου(Yassou)/ Γεια (Ya)
- Gujarati
Formal: નમસ્તે ( Namaste)
Informal: કેમ ચો (Kem cho)
- Hausa
Formal: Salama alaikum, A gaishai ka (ki)
Informal: Sannu
- Hawaiian
Both formal and informal: Aloha
- Hebrew
Formal: שלום ( Shalom)
Informal: Hey
- Hindi
Formal: नमस्ते (Namaste),नमस्कार ( Namaskar)
Informal: Hai, Helo
- Hmong
Formal: Nyob zoo (Nyaw zhong)
Informal: Halo
- Hungarian
Formal: Szervusz/ Szevasz
Informal: Szia
- Igbo
Formal: Ndeewo
Informal: Kedụ
- Icelandic
Formal: Halló ( pronounced as hallaw)
Informal: Saell
- Indonesian
Formal: Selamat siang
Informal: Hi/ Halo
- Irish
Formal: Dia dhuit
Informal: Heileo
- Italian
Formal: Salve
Informal: Ciao
- Japanese
Formal: Konnichiwa
Informal: Yā, Yō
- Javanese
Formal: Nggoleki
Informal: Halo
- Kannada
Formal: ನಮಸ್ಕಾರ (Namaskāra)
Informal: Hi
- Khmer
Formal: Chom Reap Sour
Informal: Susadei
- Khowar
Both formal and informal: ھیلو
- Kikuyu
Formal: Wĩmwega
Informal:Ni kwega/ Natya
- Korean
Formal:안녕하세요 (Annyeong Haseyo)
Informal: Anyoung
- Kurdish
Formal: Merheba!
Informal: Rojbaş!
- Lao
Formal: Saibaidee ton sao
Informal: Sabaidee
- Latin
Formal: Salve, Ave
Note: Since Latin is a dead language, there is no difference in formal, or informal way of speaking.
- Lithuanian
Formal: Sveiki
Informal: Labas
- Luo
Formal: Misawa; Misawa ahinya (reply)
Informal: Ber; Ber ahinya (reply)
- Macedonian
Formal: Добар ден ( Dobar den)
Informal: Здраво (Zdravo)
- Malay
Formal: Selamat tengah hari
Informal: Selamat
- Malayalam
Formal: നമസ്തേ (namastē)/ നമസ്കാരം (namaskaram)
Informal: Hei
- Maltese
Formal: Bongu
Informal: Elow
- Maori
Formal: Tēnā koe
Informal: Kia ora
- Marathi
Formal: Namaskār
Informal: Hĕlō
- Mongolian
Formal:Сайн байна уу ( Sain baina uu)
Informal: Сайн уу (sain uu)
- Morrocan Arabic
Formal: اسلا عليكم ( ssalamū 'lekum)
Informal: السلام ( Selam)
- Nepali
Formal: नमस्कार ( Namaskar), नमस्ते (Namaste)
Informal: Halo
- Norwegian
Formal: God dag
Informal: Hei
- Oromo
Formal: Akkam
Informal: Naqaa
- Pashto
Formal: سلام دې وي (Salaam alaikum)
Informal: سلام (Salam)
- Persian
Formal: سلام, ظهر بخیر ( Salām, zohr bekheir)
Informal: سلام (Salām)
- Polish
Formal: Dzień dobry
Informal: Cześć, Witaj
- Portuguese
Formal: Olá
Informal: Oi
- Punjabi
Formal: Sat sri akaal (ਸਤ ਸੀ੍ ਅਕਾਲ)
Informal: ਹੈਲੋ ( Hailō)
- Romanian
Formal: Bună ziua/ Salut
Informal: Ciao/ Neata
- Russian
Formal: Здравствуйте ( Zdravstvuyte)
Informal: Привет (Privet)
- Sanskrit
Formal: नमस्का (Namaskaaraa), नमस्ते (Namaste)
Informal: किं भो ( Kim bhoho )
- Serbian
Formal: Добар дан (Dobar dan)/ Здраво (Zdravo)
Informal: Ћао (Ćao)
- Sinhala
Formal: ආයුඛෝවන් ( āyubūvan)
Informal: හෙලෝ ( Helō)
- Shona
Formal: Mhoroi/Kwaziwayi
Informal: Ndeipi.
- Slovak
Formal: Dobrý deň
Informal: Ahoj
- Slovenian
Formal: Živjo, Pozdravljeni
Informal: Zdravo
- Somali
Formal: Salaam alaykum/ Always reply with: Wa alaykum salaam
Informal: See tahay
- Spanish
Formal: Hola!
Informal: Que tál?
- Swahili
Formal: Shikamoo
Informal: Habari, Hujambo
- Swedish
Formal: God dag
Informal: Hej, Tjena
- Tagalog
Formal: Mabuhay
Informal: Kamusta
- Tamil
Formal: வணக்கம்! (Vaṇakkam)
Informal: Alo
- Tatar
Formal: Isänme, Sawmı
Informal: Sälam
- Telugu
Formal: నమస్కారం (namaskārām)
Informal: హలో(Halō)
- Thai
Formal: สวัสดี (Sà-wàt-dii)
Informal: หวัดดี (wàt-dii), ดี (dii)
- Tswana
Formal: Dumela- to one person; Dumelang- to a group of people
Informal: Hallo
- Tunisian Arabic
Formal: Aslema
Informa: Hello
- Turkish
Formal: Merhaba
Informal: Selam
- Twi
Formal: Maa ha
Informal: Ete-sen
- Ukrainian
Formal: Здравствуйте ( Zdravstvuyte)
Informal: Привіт ( Privit)
- Urdu
Formal: السلام علیکم (‘assalam-o-alaikum)
Informal: ہیلو ( Hello)
- Uzbek
Formal: Assalomu alaykum
Informal: Salom
- Vietnamese
Formal: Xin chào
Informal: Chào
- Zulu
Formal: Sawubona- to one person; Sanibonani- to a group of people
Informal: Ninjani
- Welsh
Formal: Helô, Hylô
Informal: Haia
- Wolof
Both formal and informal: Salaam aleekum
Always respond with: Malekum salaam
- Yoruba
Formal: E nle ma, E nle sir
Informal: E nle o
Fun facts about languages
As you can see, languages aren’t boring. In fact, they can be quite fun.
To show you that languages can be a blast, we also put together a list of some interesting facts about them. Check them out:
- Chinese is the most spoken language in the world with more than 1.2 billion speakers. It is also the hardest language to learn.
- Most of the languages are spoken in Asia and Africa. In Europe only 3% of the world’s languages are spoken, 225 of them.
- Half of the population is bilingual or plurilingual, which means that they can speak two or more languages.
- Every language has around 50.000 words. For everyday conversations, people use only a few hundred words.
- The English language used to borrow many words and phrases from other languages. Today; it’s happening vice versa. Many other languages borrow English words and phrases.
- Almost every day one language in the world is lost because of the death of its last speaker. That's why we say they are endangered. For example, there are at least 20 languages with only one speaker left.
- Esperanto was made with a purpose to bring peace in the world. Unfortunately, that didn’t work.
- In Papua New Guinea there are around 800 languages.
- Tamil is the world’s oldest language that is still spoken.
- If you think that Basque is a member of the Romance language family, along with Spanish, you are wrong. No matter if it’s spoken in Spain, it doesn’t belong to any language family.
This was the list of 100 different languages. Do you think it’s too long?
Then imagine 6.500 different languages. Compared to that number, 100 is just a tiny number.
It’s always nice to see how some countries have different ways of saying ‘hello’ or how much similarity there is between some languages.
If you decide to learn a language, you might check this article first and see which one seems the most fascinating for you. Also, what’s your mother tongue? Start from there, maybe there’s a language that’s similar to yours.
If you’re interested in becoming fluent in a new language, check out these top online learning resources: Kick off your learning with Babbel, where interactive, enjoyable lessons are designed to blend smoothly into your routine, fostering fast and effective language learning. For those aiming for an in-depth understanding, Udemy provides a broad spectrum of courses from basic to advanced levels. To enhance your speaking skills, Preply connects you with native speakers for personalized coaching, ensuring significant improvement. Take advantage of a 50% discount on your first lesson at Preply with this link.
Good luck!