Which One to Use: He Wants or He Want?

Which One to Use: He Wants or He Want?

The rules that govern the English language are a very vast topic to deal with especially for non-native speakers. There are at least twenty of them that you need to remember to stay grammatical in what you say or write.

It's not easy, that's true. But, it's also true that anyone can master them with the right tools and steps to follow. As a language learner, one of your questions may be about the connection between the subject and the verb in the sentence.

In such a case, you need to learn about the so-called S-V Agreement rules which will teach you everything you need to know about grammar. For instance, you might encounter a sentence that uses the subject "he" and the verb "want".

What are pronouns

When you look at the list of pronouns where you have other personal pronouns like you, she, it, you would know that "he" is singular that pertains to just one subject. Thus, it needs to be paired with a singular verb as well.

Then, go back to your knowledge of verbs. How do you form the singular form of the verb? The rule states that you should add -s at the end of the word. If the verb ends in -y, change it to -i and add -es just like in cry, fry, and apply. They will become cries, fries, and applies.

How to use "he wants" in a sentence

With regular verbs like "want", the singular form would be "wants". Other examples of this verb include dance, clap, eat, sleep, speak, and write. So, if you use "he" and the regular verb "want" in a sentence, the correct sentence is this: HE WANTS. For example,

  • He wants to play.
  • He wants to go out.
  • He wants some chocolates.
  • He wants a pie.
  • He wants to become rich.

On the contrary, the verb "want" can be used in the plural form if your subject will be any of the plural pronouns like you, I, they, and we. When you use "want" in the plural form, there's no need to add anything else. You just need to keep its spelling that way. For instance,

  • You want to play.
  • I want to go out.
  • They want some chocolates.
  • We want a pie.

It is important to note also that if your subject is more than one noun, the verb should always be in the plural. This means that if you have "you and I", or "he and I" as your subject, your verb must be plural.

* You and I are good friends.

* He and I never fight.


Always remember to observe closely the plural forms of the nouns in the sentence. Some do not only involve seeing an -s at the end because there are special nouns like Mathematics, Physics, and Aerobics, among others. Those nouns are ALWAYS singular.

In addition, nouns like scissors, trousers, glasses, etc. are usually considered plural unless used with a pairing tool. You may say, "a pair of scissors" or "a pair of glasses" if you mean the singular.

Are you thristy for more knowledge? A myriad of online courses are waiting for you to explore in topics such as beginner English grammar, conversational English and many more. There are also apps to learn with like Babbel and Duolingo.

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