How To Talk About Furniture in Spanish: A Room By Room Guide

How To Talk About Furniture in Spanish: A Room By Room Guide

Whether you are trying to learn Spanish because you are traveling to a Spanish-speaking country or if you want to expand your business to an area where Spanish is commonly spoken, there’s no getting away from the fact that it will involve a lot of memorization of common Spanish words.

Improving your Spanish vocabulary is key to reaching fluency, so it’s important to keep yourself motivated and keep your studies interesting. One way to quickly build your vocabulary is to sort and categorize your word lists.

By sorting and categorizing, we mean that she group similar words into one list that has a common theme. For example, words for food, words for the weather, words for feelings. In this post, we’re going to share with you a list of words for furniture in Spanish that you can memorize.

Memorizing these words for furniture in Spanish isn’t just a good mental exercise, however, but it is also useful if you intend to live in a Spanish-speaking area for some time. It’s always useful and practical to know the word for things that you are going to use or need and furniture such as a bed or a table or a chair are objects that you are going to see and use daily.

Here are some words for furniture in Spanish that you should know before traveling to a Spanish-speaking country.

1. Spanish words for bedroom furniture

The Spanish word for the bedroom is “el dormitorio” (el dor-mee-toh-ree-oh) or it could be referred to as “la habitación” (lah ah bee-tah-see-on) and here are the Spanish words for furniture that you might find in a bedroom. 

Be it in a hotel or motel room or a private bedroom in a home, you’re likely to find these pieces of furniture.

  • La cama (lah kah-mah) – the bed
  • La mesa de noche (lah meh-sah deh noh-cheh) – the night table 
  • La lámpara (lah lahm-pah-rah) – the lamp 
  • La cómoda (lah koh-moh-dah) – the dresser/drawers
  • El armario (el ar-mah-ree-oh) – the wardrobe
  • El clóset (el kloh-seht) – the closet
  • El cubo de basura (el koo-boh deh bah-soo-rah) – the trash can 
  • El escritorio (el ehs-kree-toh-ryoh) – the desk
  • La silla (lah see-yah) – the chair

2. Words in Spanish that refer to office furniture

If you are traveling for business to an area where Spanish is commonly spoken, it can help you to know a few words about office furniture. 

You’re probably going to want to know where your desk is or to be able to ask for a better lamp, so you should know how to refer to office furniture in Spanish.

FYI, the Spanish word for office is “la oficina” (lah oh-fee-see-nah)

  • El escritorio (el es-kree-toh-ree-oh) – the desk
  • La silla (lah see-yah) – the chair
  • Lámpara de escritorio (lahm-pahr-a el es-kree-toh-rio) – the desk lamp
  • Archivador (ahr-chee-bah-dohr) – the filing cabinet
  • El estante de libros (el es-than-te deh lee-bros) – the bookcase
  • Teléfono (the-leh-foh-noh) – the telephone

3. Words for living room and dining room furniture in Spanish

If you are invited into a Spanish speaker’s home, you’re likely to spend most of your time in either the living room or the dining room. 

Also known as the family room, the living room is probably the first room that you will see upon arriving at your friend or colleagues’ home. It is a nicely decorated space that is reserved for general and informal use. The Spanish words to refer to this space are “la sala” (lah sah-lah) or “sala de estar” (sah-lah deh ehs-thar).

When just the family is around, this might be the place where they gather at the end of the day to just sit together and talk about their days and maybe do some quiet activity together. 

When guests are around, the living room is a place where the family can ensure the guest is comfortable while they entertain them with good conversation – at least until the meal is ready, at which point you will probably be ushered into the dining room.

Here are the common pieces of furniture that you will find in a living room.

  • El sofa (el soh-fah) – the sofa
  • La mesa (lah meh-sah) – the table
  • El sillón (el see-yohn)– the arm chair 
  • Tirar almohadas (tee-rahr ahl-moh-ah-dah) – throw pillows
  • La alfombra (lah ahl-fohm-brah) – the carpet/rug
  • La mesa de centro (lah meh-sah deh cehn-troh)– the coffee table
  • El taburete (el tah-boo-reh-the)– the stool
  • La televisión (lah the-luh-vih-zhihn) - the television
  • El estéreo (el ehs-the-reh-oh) – the stereo
  • La pintura (lah peen-too-rah) – the painting
  • los álbumes de imágenes (los ahl-boom deh ihm-inj)– the picture albums
  • La imagen/la foto (lah ee-mah-hehn/foh-toh) – the picture
  •  Las cortinas (lahs kohr-tee-nah) – the curtains

In the dining room, or “el comedor” (el koh-meh-dor) these are the main pieces of furniture that you will find.

  • La mesa (lah meh-sah) – the table
  • La silla (lah see-yah) – the chair.

4. Words for important kitchen furnishings in Spanish

If you’ve gotten very close to a Spanish family, you might find yourself invited into the kitchen. The kitchen is, of course, a very important room in the Spanish home because it’s where the food is prepared. It is a comfortable, albeit maybe a little messy room, where the family may informally gather as they wait for a meal to be served.

If you are going to be living in an area where Spanish culture and Spanish cuisine are dominant, you might also want to learn how to cook yourself, so that’s another reason why it’s good to know how to get around a kitchen. Learning these words for kitchen furniture in Spanish will help you learn about Spanish food traditions.

FYI, the kitchen in Spanish is “la cocina” (lah koh-see-nah). Interesting fact, “cocina” can also the Spanish word for the stove or electric range. 

  • El armario de la cocina (el ahr-mah-ryoh de lah koh-see-nah)– the kitchen cupboard
  • El estante de cocina (el ehs-than-the de lah koh-see-nah) – the kitchen shelf  
  • El mostrador de la cocina (el mohs-trah-dohr de lah koh-see-nah) – the kitchen counter
  • La cocina (lah koh-see-nah) – the stove
  • La estufa (lah ehs-too-fah) – the stove
  • El horno (el ohr-noh) – the oven
  • El refrigerador (el reh-free-heh-rah-dohr) – the refrigerator
  • El horno microondas (el ohr-noh mee-kroh-ohn-dahs) – the microwave oven
  • El tostador (el tohs-tah-dohr) – the toaster
  • La licuadora (lah lee-kwah-doh-rah) – the blender
  • El lavavajillas (el lah-bah-bah-hee-yahs) – the dishwasher 
  • El fregadero (el freh-gah-deh-roh) – the sink

5. Spanish words for bathroom furniture

Of course, one of the most basic travel phrases you need to learn in Spanish is: Where is the bathroom? If you are looking for a public toilet, you might say “donde es el servicio/el inodoro” but if you’re in a private home, a bathroom is usually referred to as “el baño” (el ban-yoh).

Here are a few Spanish words for common bathroom features that you will see in a private home or even in a hotel room.

  • El inodoro (el ee-noh-doh-roh) - the toilet
  • El fregadero de baño (el freh-gah-deh-roh de ban-yoh) - the bathroom sink
  • La ducha (lah doo-chah) - the shower
  • La bañera (la bah-nye-rah) - the bathtub
  • El fregadero (el freh-gah-deh-roh) – the sink
  • El espejo (el ehs-peh-hoh) – the mirror
  • El estante (el ehs-than-the) – the shelf
  • El botiquín (el boh-tee-keen) – the medicine cabinet
  • Toallero (toh-ah-yeh-roh) – towel rack
  • Mostrador de baño (mohs-trah-dohr de ban-yoh) – bathroom counter

If you're interested in expanding your Spanish vocabulary even further, you should try some of these cool options:

Check out Babbel for fun, interactive lessons that fit into your day easily.

If you want something more in-depth, there's a great Spanish course on Coursera that covers everything from the basics to more advanced topics.

And if you prefer learning with a personal touch, Lingoda offers classes with native speakers that can really help you practice speaking.

What are some Spanish words for bedroom furniture?

The Spanish word for the bedroom is “el dormitorio” (el dor-mee-toh-ree-oh) or it could be referred to as “la habitación” (lah ah bee-tah-see-on) and here are the Spanish words for furniture that you might find in a bedroom. Be it in a hotel or motel room or a private bedroom in a home, you’re likely to find these pieces of furniture. La cama (lah kah-mah) – the bed La mesa de noche (lah meh-sah deh noh-cheh) – the night table La lámpara (lah lahm-pah-rah) – the lamp La cómoda (lah koh-moh-dah) – the dresser/drawers El armario (el ar-mah-ree-oh) – the wardrobe El clóset (el kloh-seht) – the closet El cubo de basura (el koo-boh deh bah-soo-rah) – the trash can El escritorio (el ehs-kree-toh-ryoh) – the desk La silla (lah see-yah) – the chair

What are some words in Spanish that refer to office furniture?

If you are traveling for business to an area where Spanish is commonly spoken, it can help you to know a few words about office furniture. You’re probably going to want to know where your desk is or to be able to ask for a better lamp, so you should know how to refer to office furniture in Spanish. FYI, the Spanish word for office is “la oficina” (lah oh-fee-see-nah) El escritorio (el es-kree-toh-ree-oh) – the desk La silla (lah see-yah) – the chair Lámpara de escritorio (lahm-pahr-a el es-kree-toh-rio) – the desk lamp Archivador (ahr-chee-bah-dohr) – the filing cabinet El estante de libros (el es-than-te deh lee-bros) – the bookcase Teléfono (the-leh-foh-noh) – the telephone

What are words for living room and dining room furniture in Spanish?

If you are invited into a Spanish speaker’s home, you’re likely to spend most of your time in either the living room or the dining room. Also known as the family room, the living room is probably the first room that you will see upon arriving at your friend or colleagues’ home. It is a nicely decorated space that is reserved for general and informal use. The Spanish words to refer to this space are “la sala” (lah sah-lah) or “sala de estar” (sah-lah deh ehs-thar). When just the family is around, this might be the place where they gather at the end of the day to just sit together and talk about their days and maybe do some quiet activity together. When guests are around, the living room is a place where the family can ensure the guest is comfortable while they entertain them with good conversation – at least until the meal is ready, at which point you will probably be ushered into the dining room. Here are the common pieces of furniture that you will find in a living room. El sofa (el soh-fah) – the sofa La mesa (lah meh-sah) – the table El sillón (el see-yohn)– the arm chair Tirar almohadas (tee-rahr ahl-moh-ah-dah) – throw pillows La alfombra (lah ahl-fohm-brah) – the carpet/rug La mesa de centro (lah meh-sah deh cehn-troh)– the coffee table El taburete (el tah-boo-reh-the)– the stool La televisión (lah the-luh-vih-zhihn) - the television El estéreo (el ehs-the-reh-oh) – the stereo La pintura (lah peen-too-rah) – the painting los álbumes de imágenes (los ahl-boom deh ihm-inj)– the picture albums La imagen/la foto (lah ee-mah-hehn/foh-toh) – the picture Las cortinas (lahs kohr-tee-nah) – the curtains In the dining room, or “el comedor” (el koh-meh-dor) these are the main pieces of furniture that you will find. La mesa (lah meh-sah) – the table La silla (lah see-yah) – the chair.

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