39 English Idioms About the Heart (That Will Make Your Heart Skip a Beat)

39 English Idioms About the Heart (That Will Make Your Heart Skip a Beat)

One of the most fascinating things about the English language is the depth of meaning that certain words and phrases can have.

Take the word “heart” for example. “Heart” has two major meanings for native language speakers. First, it refers to a major organ that keeps blood pumping through our bodies. Second, well, it is a symbol of love – especially romantic love.

Because the heart is such an important organ and love is such a vital feeling that we all long to feel, there are many ways that English speakers use the word “heart” in their daily speech. 

The English language is full of English idioms about the heart which refer both to the life-giving function it performs and the feelings it has come to symbolize. The following are some important and common English idioms about hearts that you will surely love to use. 

1. Breaking my heart

Meaning: Caused emotional distress

This is maybe the most commonly known English idioms about the heart. You’ve probably heard this in romantic movies or television dramas.

When someone says that something or someone is “breaking my heart” you are experiencing emotional distress because of what is happening. Of course, this is commonly used to describe sadness and distress because of a romantic setback, like if your significant other wanted to break up with you.

You can also say something is “breaking your heart” if it is very sad. Like if you see a documentary about famine or the plight of refugees. 

2. Have a change of heart

Meaning: Changed my mind

When someone uses this English idiom, they are saying that they are going against a decision that they previously made. 

3. In a heartbeat

Meaning: Immediately

Heartbeats are quick and steady and when you say that you will be there “in a heartbeat” you are promising to get there as quick as possible.

It is also a way to pledge your help and support whenever someone needs it.

4. My heart skipped/missed a beat

Meaning: Startled or surprised

If someone is startled or surprised by events or by good or bad news, they might use one of these English idioms about the heart.

5. Lose heart

Meaning: To give up

If you “lose heart”, you no longer believe that you can accomplish something or that something is for you. You have lost hope and are ready to give up.

6. Steal/Win their heart

Meaning: Succeeded in love

If you “win” someone’s heart then you successfully gained their love. This is usually used with regard to romantic love and romantic relationships.

You can also say that you “stole” someone’s heart, it pretty much means the same thing: You won at love.

7. Have a heart of gold

Meaning: A good person

This is one of those English idioms about the heart that is used to describe a person. This is actually a very flattering phrase as it is meant to describe someone who is good and kind.

8. Have a heart of stone

Meaning: A cruel person, unsympathetic

This is the opposite of having a “heart of gold”. Someone with a heart of stone is considered cold and cruel.

9. Heart in the right place

Meaning: To have good intentions

If someone means well or is trying to be helpful, you can use this to describe them.

10. Heart set against

Meaning: Disagree strenuously

If you have your “heart set against” something, you don’t agree or don’t approve.

11. Heart set on

Meaning: To really want something

If you have your “heart set on” something, like a dress or a job, it means that you really want it. Nothing else will do or make you happy. 

12. Cross my heart!

Meaning: I promise!

When someone says this phrase, they are basically making a promise or a pledge.

13. Have a heart!

Meaning: Have pity or show sympathy

This can be said laughingly if someone said a slightly cruel joke at your expense. It can also be said sincerely if you are trying to get someone to empathize with you or someone else. 

14. Heart and soul

Meaning: Give everything, be enthusiastic

If someone says that they will give their “heart and soul” to an endeavor, they are pledging to give their all.

15. Pour your heart out

Meaning: Tell someone your feelings

If you “pour your heart out” to someone, you tell them everything that you are feeling. It also means that you are telling them a truth that you had been keeping to yourself.

16. Have a heart to heart

Meaning: Share an intimate conversation

If someone wants to have a nice long chat with you, they might ask if you can have a “heart to heart”.

17. Eat your heart out!

Meaning: Be envious or be jealous

When you hear someone say this, they are basically gloating over their good fortune. 

You can say it among friends as a joke, but be careful about using it among people who don’t know you well. They could take offense or write you off as a braggart.

18. Follow your heart

Meaning: Do what you want

When you “follow your heart” you act or make a decision according to your feelings. This decision might not be the practical one, but it is the decision that really speaks to you.

19. Know in your heart of hearts

Meaning: To be really sure about something

If you know in your “heart of hearts” that something is true, then you really believe it. 

20. Didn’t have the heart

Meaning: Couldn’t do it

If you “don’t have the heart” to do something, you were unable to do something because it made you uncomfortable. 

It’s also often used to mean that you were going to tell someone something that you knew would disappoint or make them sad and . . . you didn’t because you didn’t want to see them sad.

21. Take to heart

Meaning: Take something seriously

This idiom is used to say that you have heard and understood something and are going to take it really seriously.

22. From the bottom of my heart

Meaning: Sincerely

This is one of those English idioms about the heart that you will probably only see in writing or hear in a formal setting. It’s a way to express sincerity, so it can be used to say that you are wishing someone all the best or are very happy for and proud of them. 

23. My heart bleeds for you/My heart goes out to you

Meaning: I feel very sorry for you, I am sympathetic to your situation

This is another of those English idioms about the heart that is mostly used in formal situations or in written correspondence. It is a way to say condolences and ask about their well being.

24. Bleeding heart

Meaning: Someone who is extremely empathetic

This might sound like it’s another one of those English idioms about the heart that sound like it’s flattering because it’s saying that you are basically a good person, but the implication is that you are “too good”.

“Bleeding heart” is usually said rather disparagingly or disapprovingly as it implies that you think that person is too generous and who is easily taken advantage of.

25. Find it in your heart

Meaning: Please help 

You can ask someone if they can “find it in their heart” to help you out with a problem. This is commonly used by charitable institutions to ask someone to help them with their endeavor. 

26. Tug at your heartstrings

Meaning: Appealing for sympathy or asking for empathy

This is another of those English idioms about the heart that is used as a plea for sympathy or empathy. This is another phrase that is often used by charitable institutions if they are asking for donations or help with their projects. 

27. Get to the heart of

Meaning: To understand the most important things

When you “get to the heart” of a problem or situation, you understand the most important aspects of it. You get to the core.

28. After my own heart

Meaning: Someone who shares your tastes and values

If you say that someone takes “after your own heart” you are implying that you get along because you are similar.

29. Know by heart

Meaning: To know very well or memorize

If you are studying for an exam and are sure you “know by heart” the subject, then you are confident that you know it very well.

30. Wear your heart on your sleeve

Meaning: Be open about your feelings

This is another of those English idioms about hearts that are meant to describe someone. Someone with their “heart on their sleeve” is open about their feelings. They don’t bother hiding their true opinions.

31. Heavy heart

Meaning: Sorrowful

If someone has a “heavy heart” they are filled with sorrow or are feeling intense regret.

32. Big-hearted

Meaning: Loving

If someone is said to have a “big heart” it means that they are thought to be loving and kind.

33. Faint of heart

Meaning: Cowardly

If someone is described as “faint of heart” they are thought of as cowardly.

34. Harden your heart

Meaning: Resist feeling sympathy

This idiom describes the act of becoming callous. If someone is a “bleeding heart” they might be advised to do this.

35. Heart in one’s mouth

Meaning: Nervous

 When you say this, you are saying that you are very nervous or scared of someone.

36. Nearly gave me a heart attack

Meaning: Startled or scared

If you say this about a situation like if someone came around the corner and almost bumped into you, you are saying that they scared or startled you.

37. Heart sunk/sank

Meaning: Felt disappointment or sadness

If you get bad or disappointing news, you can say that your “heart sunk” or your “heart sank”. 

38. Young at heart

Meaning: Youthful

This English idiom describes someone who is youthful and childlike. 

39. Light-hearted

Meaning: Having fun

If someone is described as “light-hearted” they are playful and having fun. It can also describe an activity that someone finds fun. 


English idioms are an important part of daily speech. Native English speakers will use idioms, along with slang words and expressions, to give voice to their feelings and present ideas.

It’s important that you learn these English idioms about hearts as native English speakers will use many of these in daily conversation. To keep the conversation flowing, you need to be able to look beyond the literal meaning or translation of the word to find the hidden, deeper, meanings.

If you’re interested in expanding your English vocabulary even further, consider these excellent online learning resources: Kick off your journey with Babbel, offering user-friendly, engaging lessons tailored to fit seamlessly into your daily schedule. If you want something more in-depth, there's a great English course on Coursera that covers everything from the basics to more advanced topics. For a more personalized learning experience, connect with native English tutors on Preply, enhancing your speaking and comprehension skills. Take advantage of a 50% discount on your first Preply session by using this link.

What are the most commonly known English idioms about heart?

Breaking my heart, Have a change of heart, In a heartbeat, Lose heart, Steal/Win their heart, Have a heart of gold, Have a heart of stone, Heart in the right place, Heart set against, Heart set on, Cross my heart, Have a heart, Heart and soul

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