Spanish Friendly Dialogues: Learn Everything About Conversation in Spanish Between Two Friends

Spanish Friendly Dialogues: Learn Everything About Conversation in Spanish Between Two Friends

We suppose you learn Spanish using different methods and resources.

You learn Spanish vocabulary with Language learning apps

You practice your listening skills by listening to Spanish podcasts or watching Spanish telenovelas.

And that's all great.

But in situations when you want to sound friendly toward some sweet people, somehow you don't know the right way. You end up sounding weird.

As much as disappointed it may seem, you are not alone. Almost every language learner struggles with some real-situation issues when he wants to sound friendly and open-hearted in his target language.

It is important to have that friendly attitude and energy toward someone but using proper words and expressions is equally important.

In this post, we will provide your conversation in Spanish between two friends so that you can see which direction it may go as well as which of the phrases you should use and which ones to avoid.

Let's dive in.

How to Prepare Yourself For Conversations in Spanish?

Read Dialogues Aloud

Reading Spanish dialogues is useful but reading them aloud helps you more. Besides memorizing words and phrases, by reading aloud you also practice pronunciation.

Read Both Parts of The Dialogue

Also, don't read only one side of the dialogue.

Read both of them. That way, you will be equipped with phrases for real conversations.

Be Prepared

No matter if you learn Spanish basic phrases or you’ve come to a more demanding level, prepare yourself for the conversation in advance.

Usually, one dialogue is about one particular topic so why don't you think about the topics you might talk about?

See the phrases and words you would use, imagine how the conversation would go. Think about the questions you would ask, or your companion, and answers you might give.

Conversation in Spanish Between Two Friends

Besides the previous suggestions on how to practice and be prepared for friendly and casual conversation, in the following lines, you can find several resources for further practicing different topics and improve your skills for conversations.

Learn Spanish Naturally

YouTube isn’t just a place where you can enjoy while watching entertaining videos but also find useful language learning materials.

If you want to be prepared for the conversation you can talk about with your friend, you should take a peek at the YouTube channel ‘Learn Spanish Naturally.’

The audio conversations, which are available for beginners too, are clear and easy to follow because speakers speak slowly and use common phrases and expressions you can use when talking about different topics.

Spanish Interactive Lessons

If you are looking to practice dialogues you can later use in real situations, the website ‘Spanish Interactive Lessons’ has plenty of learning materials, along with videos. Videos are created that before the dialogue, you have an insight into the words and phrases that are used. 

After listening to the dialogue, you get the set of five questions you have to answer so that you can see if you’ve understood the dialogue. 

In the end, there is a translation of the dialogue available in English.

Practice With Real Native Speakers

Many resources and methods have proven that they are useful for improving language skills.

Still, the most useful way is by practicing with real people, if possible with native speakers.


Hundreds of Spanish dialogues available on this website, organized to nine different levels, from beginner to advanced, are just what you need.

This resource, however, does not label particularly friendly dialogues so you’ll have to find them on your own.

Each conversation comes with audio and a text, and for the beginner’s level, there’s also an English translation of the dialogue available.

Tests and quizzes of the dialogue are also available and quite helpful for improving your vocabulary.

Example Of a Casual Conversation Between Two Friends

In case you don’t know how to start some casual conversation in Spanish with a friend, here’s one example:

Amigo X: ¡Hola Y! ( Friend X: Hi Y!)

Amigo Y: ¡Hola X¡ ¿Cómo estás? ( Friend Y: Hi X! How are you?)

Amigo X: Muy bien ¿y tú? ( Friend X: Fine, and you?)

Amigo Y: bien, también. ( Friend Y: Fine, too)

Amigo X: Tengo ganas de ir a ver una película ¿quieres ir conmigo? ( Friend X: I feel like going to the movies, do you want to go with me?)

Amigo Y: Me encantaría. ¿cuándo? ( Friend Y:  Yes, I would like it, when?)

Amigo X: Puede ser el miércoles.  (Friend X:  It could be on Wednesday.)

Amigo Y: No, es imposible, tengo que trabajar todo el día. ¿Qué tal el lunes? ( friend Y:  No, it is impossible, I have to work all day long. What about Monday?)

Amigo X: No, tengo una reunión familiar ese día, pero ¿qué tal el sábado? (  Friend X: No, I have a family reunion that day, but what about Saturday?)

Amigo Y: El sábado… no puedo porque me voy de viaje a Barcelona.  ( Friend Y: Saturday… I can´t, I am going on a trip to Barcelona.)

Amigo X: ¿por qué no vamos ahora mismo? (Friend X: Why don't we go right now?)

Amigo Y: Sí, muy bien; además hoy martes es día de descuento. ( Friend Y: Yes, good, besides today, Tuesday, there is a discount. )

Amigo X: Excelente, los martes y los jueves siempre hay descuentos. Déjame ir por mis cosas y salimos. (friend X: Excellent, there are always discounts on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Let me get my stuff and then we leave.)

 Amigo Y: Ok. No tardes. (Friend Y: Ok. Don´t be late.)

Final Thoughts

Besides these different tips, suggestions, and examples of how to lead a conversation in Spanish with a friend, you can also make your own dialogue. Write it down, start reading it aloud, and practice the pronunciation.

If you want to practice real dialogue with a native Spanish speaker, try out a online class at Lingoda. Here you can practice either in group classes or with an individual tutor just for you.

It will give you great writing practice.

How to Prepare Yourself For Conversations in Spanish?

Read Dialogues Aloud, Read Both Parts of The Dialogue, Be Prepared

How to practice conversations in Spanish?

Learn Spanish Naturally, Spanish Interactive Lessons, Practice With Real Native Speakers

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